Turkey is becoming one of the important centers of the world economy with its developing economy. Global-scale businesses prioritize Turkey when making investment decisions, and investors have many advantages thanks to factors such as Turkey's geographical location, natural resources and trained workforce.
The geographical region where the industry is concentrated in our country is the Marmara Region. Approximately 70 percent of industrial enterprises throughout the country are concentrated in 12 provinces, primarily in Istanbul. Considering the industrial structure of the developed provinces in the immediate vicinity of Balıkesir, there is a saturation for the industry, and there is no investment land available even for the expansion of existing investments, let alone new investments. In this context, Balıkesir province is seen as a reserve area for the transportation of the industry and is a candidate to be the new focus of the industry.
Balıkesir stands out for hosting sustainable investments with its trained workforce, advanced land-air-sea transportation, rich underground and surface resources, proximity to industrial centers and metropolises, hosting the qualified workforce required by all kinds of industrial investments and many similar advantages. comes out.
Availability of suitable land for investments, regional incentives and supports that offer serious advantages to enterprises, the appropriateness of land prices and inter-institutional coordination make Balıkesir more attractive for investments.
Another important factor to be taken into account regarding the transportation of industrial investments to our region is the transportation and logistics structure. With the advantage of Balıkesir being close to three big industrial centers such as İstanbul, Bursa and İzmir, the completion of the Gebze-Orhangazi-İzmir and the Kınalı-Tekirdağ-Çanakkale-Balıkesir Motorway projects will add significant strength to the region in terms of transportation and logistics. In addition, Gökköy Logistics Center, located in the city center of Balıkesir; It will function as the most important assembly and transfer center of the Great Anatolian Logistics Organizations (BALO) project. Because the most important purpose of BALO is to create a new route that crosses the Marmara Sea between Bandırma and Tekirdağ by train ferry, as an alternative to the old railway route that comes from Anatolia and reaches Europe by crossing the Bosphorus. Bandırma, which plays an important role in the transportation network, is the industrial center of the region with its large-scale industrial facilities, international port and the advantages of the railway connection.
There are 16 small industrial sites in Balıkesir and 8 organized industrial zones, 3 of which are at the stage of establishment, 5 of which are active. Two of the active OIZs continue their field expansion studies. Coordination between organized industrial zones creates a strong profile for the investment environment.
Prominent Industrial Branches in Balıkesir
There are more than 1,200 enterprises operating in various industries in Balıkesir. The main manufacturing subjects are food products, feed production, mining, wood and forest products, chemistry and plastic, metal products, machinery and equipment, electric-electronic and motor vehicle parts production.
Balikesir; Bandırma and its surroundings; It is a leader in the meat processing, poultry, oil, ground grain, feed, leather, chemical product and marble processing industries. Altıeylül-Karesi and surrounding districts; It is a pioneer in dairy products, textiles, wood products and furniture, metal products, electrical equipment, agricultural and forestry machinery and motor vehicle parts. Gulf counties, on the other hand, come to the fore in the olive and olive oil sector. The fruit and vegetable processing sector has developed throughout Balıkesir.
According to TOBB Industry Database data for 2015, there are 1298 companies in Balıkesir province and the total number of employees in the companies is 34,793. It is seen that the industry in Balıkesir is mostly concentrated in the Center, Bandırma and Gönen districts. Most of the industrial enterprises in the region are in SME status.
In Balıkesir, where industrial sector investments are gaining momentum, the increasing export capacity draws attention every year.
50 kinds of products such as food, mine, marble, synthetic sacks, electric vehicles, chemicals have taken their place in the export network.
Manufacturing Industry Exports in 2015 were 475.260.000 $.
Balıkesir Exported Products: